Maxime Clenet, François Massol, Jamal Najim (2024). Impact of a block structure on the Lotka-Volterra model. Peer Community Journal.
Imane Akjouj, Matthieu Barbier, Maxime Clenet, Walid Hachem, Mylène Maïda, François Massol, Jamal Najim, Viet Chi Tran (2024). Complex systems in Ecology: a guided tour with large Lotka-Volterra models and random matrices. Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
Zachary R Miller, Maxime Clenet, Katja Della Libera, François Massol, Stefano Allesina (2024). Coexistence of many species under a random competition-colonization trade-off. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Maxime Clenet, François Massol, Jamal Najim (2023). Equilibrium and surviving species in large Lotka-Volterra system of differential equations. Journal of Mathematical Biology.
Maxime Clenet, Hafedh El Ferchichi, Jamal Najim (2022). Equilibrium in a large Lotka-Volterra system with pairwise correlated interactions. Stochastic Processes and their Applications.
Maxime Clenet, Marcello Bentivegni, Guy Druart (2018). Statistical modeling of heat exchange coefficient evolution during quenching. La Metallurgia Italiana.
Conference papers:
Maxime Clenet, François Massol, Jamal Najim (2022). Surviving species in a large Lotka-Volterra system of differential equations. GRETSI 2022
Pierre Bizeul, Maxime Clenet, Jamal Najim (2020). Positive Solutions for Large Random Linear Systems. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
Talks & Posters:
06/24 - NetSci - Québec, Canada (Invited Chairman of the ecological network session)
06/24 - Half Day ALEA - Sherbrooke, Canada (Poster)
05/24 - CSEE - Vancouver, Canada
04/24 - AlgoLab annual meeting - Institut Quantique, Sherbrooke, Canada
02/24 - Invited Webinar - GdR TheoMoDive
12/23 - Winter workshop on Complex Networks - Québec, Canada
11/23 - Invited Seminar - Sherbrooke, Canada
12/22 - Ph.D. Defense - Champs-sur-Marne, France
08/22 - Summer school on mathematical ecology and evolution - Turku, Finland
08/22 - ESA - Montréal, Canada
07/22 - MMEE - Reading, England
06/22 - MPDEE - Turin, Italy
06/22 - Ph.D. Student Seminar - Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge
04/22 - Opening day of the Chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité (Poster)
03/22 - Three Minute Thesis competition (French-language version) - Paris-Est Sup (Video)
02/22 - MEEM (Modelling in Ecology and Evolution Meeting)
11/21 - TheoMoDive Annual Meeting
11/21 - Ph.D. Student Seminar - Laboratoire Paul Painlevé
10/21 - Automn School of the GDR MEGA
06/21 - Ph.D. Student Day of ED MSTIC
Organizer of the Theoretical Ecology Discussion Group in Sherbrooke (2024).
Along with Doriann Albertin and Hélène Langlois, I am a founder and organizer of the LIGM PhD Student seminar (2021-2022).
PhD Student's representative in the doctoral training council of the ComUE Paris-Est Sup (2020-2022).